Set up your company in Hungary and get your business Residence Permit.

Important! We help only business immigration.

We participate in the formation of new companies on behalf of domestic as well as foreign clients, represent numerous domestic companies and deal with their needs in relation to company law. Our office represents clients in court as well. We have achieved significant experience in the field of legal consultancy and give advice on management of foreign investments in Hungary. Please scroll down.

Simonyi ügyvédi iroda
Request consultation now!
We will help you to live in Hungary
and set up your business

Residence permit for you and your family

Easy Residence Permit Service: EUR 4990 +VAT

  • law consultation
  • sale and purchase contract for your apartment, legal consultation regarding the purchase
  • in case of residence permit for the purpose of gainful activity:
    • company incorporation service (bank account assistance and VAT registration) in case of residence permit
    • registered office with mail forwarding
    • tax number
    • finding an accountant for you business
    • legal consultation regarding an office or business premise
  • Additional services

  • family unification residence permit for the applicant’s family members: EUR 2000 and VAT/Person
  • resident permit for additional directors or staff members: EUR 1000 and VAT/ person
  • legal consultation for the business plan
  • residency application
  • + Marketing consultancy
  • + Create website for your business
  • Residency Renewal

  • residency renewal service for CEO: EUR 1000 and VAT
  • residency renewal for consort (wife): EUR 1000 and VAT
  • residency renewal for minor child: EUR 500 and VAT


    Do You have any questions?
    Our professional lawyers answer your questions!

    Useful informations

    Living expenses in Budapest

    With Residence Permit you can rent an apartment for longer time. It costs EUR 400-600. If you have family you can calculate +600-900 for others expenses. Lots of leisure activities wait you in Budapest!

    You need to live in Hungary if you want to renew your Residence Permit?

    No. But need to know if you have business in Hungary you need to do lots of things to run your business.

    Can I have more than one manager for my company?

    Yes, You can. You can for example appoint somebody who works for your company.

    Request consultation now!
    We will help you to live in Hungary
    and set up your business

    Send message:

    Send us e-mail. Fill the forms and send it.

    • Address: 1055 Budapest, Szent István krt. 15. II/16.
    • Phone: +36 1 301 0200
    • Email:
    • Fax: +36 1 301 0201